Preliminary phone consultation with our Trademark Lawyer
Preliminary trademark clearance search INCLUDED
CIPO Filing Fee INCLUDED for one class of goods or services
Trademark application drafted and filed by our Trademark Lawyer
Monitoring trademark application progress with email updates
Entire process can be handled online. Pay online with credit card or debit card. Contact us to get started!
Our Service
We handle the entire Canadian trademark registration process from start to finish. Our service includes full legal representation during the prosecution of your trademark application. Our law firm drafts and submits the necessary documents to the CIPO and corresponds with them on your behalf. Our services can be completed online and payment can be made online via our secure online invoicing system. We accept clients in all 50 states and abroad. Contact us to schedule a free phone consultation!
Trademark Benefits
Trademark registration protects your business name, logo, or slogan. If successful, you are granted exclusive rights to use your trademark in Canada. The CIPO will protect your trademark by refusing to register similar trademarks, therefore facilitating your ability to create a strong brand. Filing a trademark application also creates a public listing of your trademark in the CIPO online database. Thus, a trademark search will show your trademark is claimed and deter others from infringing.