$1750 FLAT FEE
Phone consultation with our Trademark Attorney to discuss trademark renewal process
Appointment scheduled via email at a time convenient for you
USPTO Filing Fee INCLUDED for 1 class of goods or services
Flat Fee valid for 1 trademark in 1 Class of Goods or Services
Flat fee valid for Trademark Section 8 or Trademark Section 9 (5 year or 10 year renewal)
Entire process can be handled online and by phone. Contact us to get started!
Our Service
Trademark Registrants are required to periodically renew their registrations. The first renewal comes between the 5th and 6th year of registration. Subsequent renewals (after the first decade) occur every 10 years. If the appropriate maintenance documents are not filed the registration will be cancelled by the USPTO.
Trademark Renewal
Contact us if you need to renew your trademark! We can assist with drafting and filing your trademark renewal documents, completing post-registration USPTO audit requirements, and filing Declarations of Incontestability, which makes a registered trademark immune to challenge.